Wednesday 4 December 2013

Christmas Gifts!


Christmas is in three weeks!!!
THREE weeks!!

I can't believe it!

I currently have no presents for anybody.
None. Zero. 0. Zilch.

I really only planned on buying presents for my parents, step-father and grandparents, along with my friend who desperately wanted someone to buy her pyjamas so that's her sorted. But then two other friends told me that they have me something which of course means I now, out of the goodness of my heart, even after being told not to, am obliged to buy them a gift also.

Of course, I have no objection to buying my friends a gift, (that is not the problem), the issue is that I have no idea what to get them! Which made me wonder, has anyone else actually started their Christmas shopping with any idea of what to get people?

Hope you're not all as stressed as I am about it! Haha!

~Emma xx

P.S. I have a small selection of clips from Edinburgh's German Market/Winter Wonderland that I took at the weekend that I thought (if there's enough) I may make into a cute little montage-y video-y thingy for you to see, so keep an eye out to see if it ever does appear haha :)

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